Mika Kagehira / Reason for Poor Condition 2

Mika: At any rate, why am I in a bad way like this?
Mika: I didn't eat anythin' weird, and my life is the same as always... I got no clue, so I'm really stumped.
Mika: Anzu-chan, if ya notice anythin' while watchin' me, please lemme know.
SELECT: You seem tense.
Mika: Tense? I guess that's why my body is all stiff an' outta tune...?
Mika: Fer sure, I might be gettin' too worked up over causin' trouble fer Oshi-san.
SELECT: It's kind of like...
Mika: Eh? What's that mean, that ya feel a not-good atmosphere 'round me!?
Mika: Now that ya mention it, my right shoulder's been feelin' heavy since the other day... Anzu-chan, bear with me even if I make a joke~
SELECT Maybe, but...
Mika: Eh? I'm only ever thinkin' 'bout Oshi-san, so I'm unable to focus?
Mika: Fer sure, that might be it. Even so, the most difficult thing fer me t'do would be to try an' stop thinkin' 'bout Oshi-san.